Integration Projects Database


Currently the Integration Project Database is a simple spreadsheet containing fields needed to document the time needed for a project that integrates a medcial device/system with a receiving EMR application. It is intended to provide the information necessary to estimate manpower using optimistic/pessimistic and most likely conditions per project managment methodology.

At present there is such a limited number of data points that I have not yet looked into creating an output report or to generate these estimates. This application is powered by Google Documents. I do not yet know of it's compatability with desktop spreadhseets such as Open Office, Apple Numbers or Microsoft Excel. Please use the 'Contact Me' link to the left to leave a comment should there be a problem.

The value of this data is dependent on the number of data points. Please forward the URL to anyone who may be willing to leave data in exchange for access.

I will be monitoring this site frequently and will consider porting the spreadsheet to an SQL instance on Google App Engine. Possible enhancements would include data analysis, reports that are specific to any given field and the abliity to enter man hours by type. By the last I mean nursing time, vendor time, Clinical Engineering time etc. Feel free to use the 'Contact Me' link to the left to offer suggestions.

Thank you for visiting.